According to the meeting of the Government of the Union of Myanmar No. (2/2015) held on 15 January 2015, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology; Department of Information Technology and Cyber ​​Security was established by the Office of the Minister in Order No. (9/2015). It was established on April 1. The Department of Information Technology and Cyber ​​Security will be able to effectively integrate the e-Government processes implemented by various departments; Study new processes and design and implement new projects; Setting information and communication technology (ICT) standards; To enact necessary laws; Systematic supervision and implementation of information and communication technology and cyber security activities in accordance with the law. The following six divisions were established to coordinate with each other.

  • Management / Finance / Support Department
  • e-Government Department
  • Law, International Relation and Information Department
  • National Cyber ​​Security Center
  • Satellite Communications Department
  • Training Center