The National Cyber Security Center currently provides the following services:

Preventing a wide range of cyber attacks and threats targeting web, application, email, file, and database servers, as well as servers providing online services in government departments and organizations, Conducting real-time monitoring, thorough inspections and investigations, issuing warnings, and providing cyber attack analysis and incident response to minimize potential losses from cyber attacks.

It provides 24×7 services for acceptance, investigation, real-time handling and response to attacks complaints across Myanmar, analysis of cyber security breaches, issuing alerts cyber attacks and cyber threats, providing with technical advice on prevention and mitigation.

There are holding seminars and opening trainings on cyber security awareness in union ministries, government agencies and universities.
Increase cyber security awareness by publishing the international cyber security news, domestic cyber security threats and cyber attacks on websites and social networking sites
Dissemination of cyber security guidelines and precautionary warnings.
Cyber Games, CTF competitions and Myanmar cyber security competitions are held annually to enhance the cyber security capabilities and knowledge of university students and youth in Myanmar.
To improve capabilities of departmental staff in information sharing and response to cyber attacks, participate in Asia-Pacific, ASEAN and International cyber security joint exercises such as Drill and cyber remote exercises annually and so on.

In line with changing technology, cooperation and exchanging information and technology with international cyber security organizations and computer emergency response teams (CERTs) not to be lose sight of cyber attacks and cyber security breaches.
To reduce cyber security breaches in Myanmar, interchanging of information with local cyber security organizations and the judiciary.
Coordination with relevant cyber security organizations for taking action and preventive measures on foreign cyber security attacks.
Distribution departmental news writing and Bulletins regarding to the findings of inspections on government members within international organizations on cyber attacks from abroad which is also happening in the country.

Counseling is needed when asked the necessary actions on cyber security for the private sector and the public.
To establish CSIRTs in the local NGOs and the private sector such as Telecom / ISP / Public / Financial / Business, communicating, cooperation and sharing information with them to mitigate cyber attacks and cyber security breaches across the country.
If there are foreign complaints of involving domestic attacks within a cyber attack in a foreign organization, solving the attack by communicating with the relevant organizations in the country.

Identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in ICT network security systems, websites, web applications, web servers, and mail servers of Union Ministries and Governmental Organizations and based on the findings and severity of the attack, implementing remediation measures and providing feedback and recommendations to the respective organizations.