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The Technical Support Training No.(1) was launched at Union Election Commission (Naypyitaw)

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The Technical Support Training No.(1) was launched at Union Election Commission (Naypyitaw) on 14th November 2022. U Aung Lwin Oo, Member of Union Election Commission delivered opening speech for this training.
Cyber Security Course will be conducted from 14 to 18 November 2022 by National Cyber Security Center, ITCSD, MoTC.
The topics of Cybersecurity and cyber Incident Definition, Causes of security weakness of Endpoints, Cyber Attacks targeted to Endpoints, STOP Ransomware : one of current threats in Myanmar, Emotet Trojan Incidents, PlugX RAT attacks, NCSC’s Responses against Malwares, Hacker’s Tactics to bypass the monitoring system, Endpoints security measures, The risks of using VPN in Endpoints, The Pros and Cons of Endpoint Security Softwares _ will be explained in this training. There are 30 attendees of staffs and officers from UEC branch offices from Districts and Divisions in this training. By using cyber security tools, Hands-on exercises will be conducted to promptly handle and response the cyber incidents in case of being attacked.