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Webinar on Cyber Security Awareness was conducted

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Today,  “Online Cyber Security Awareness Webinar” was conducted by the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Ministry of Information. The event was attended by Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint, Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun, Directors General, Managing Directors, and officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, including U Sai Saw Lin Tun, Acting Director General of the Information Technology and Cyber Security Department. Notable participants included CIOs/ACIOs from state and regional governments, Heads of departments, and teachers from the University of Technology and Computer University. A total of (158) officials from Telecom Operators and ISPs were present.

During the ceremony, Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint delivered the opening speech. U Sai Saw Lin Tun, Acting Director General of the Department of Information Technology and Cyber Security at the Ministry of Transport and Communications, provided insights into the organization of the cyber security lecture. Subsequent presentations included topics such as “Cyber Security Policy & Legal Framework Development” by Director of Information Technology and Cyber Security Department U Ye Naing Moe, “The Role of Cyber Security in Government Organization” by Deputy Director U Yan Naung Soe, “PlugX RAT, CobaltStrike, and Mustang Panda” by Deputy Director U Myo Myint Thing, “Learn about Ransomware Attacks in Myanmar and How to Prevent them” by Chief Officer Daw Khin Man Tzu, “Approach to Hardening of Individual Host (Host Security)” by Chief Officer Daw Aye Myat Thant, “SIEM Platform Introduction” by Chief Officer U Zaw Myo Oo, and “Email Security Introduction” by Chief Officer Daw Thin Nanda Aung. Attendees actively engaged by asking questions related to their areas of interest.