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The Myanmar Cyber ​​Security Challenge (2022) organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (Open Level) was held.

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With the aim to develop human resources in cyber security, to spread cybersecurity knowledge among young people and to promote the opportunities for cyber security careers, the Myanmar Cyber ​​Security Challenge 2022 (Open Level), organized by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, was held today on October 1, 2022. (1-10-2022)at the National Cyber ​​Security Center building, Department of Information Technology and Cyber ​​Security, Ministry of Transport and Communications. The officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Sponsored Companies and those interested in this challenge attended and cheered.
This challenge was held from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM in which 27 contestants from 9 teams competed. The first prize was won by “S1gmA Be@c0n” Team and the second prize went to “Team r00T” and the third prize was also won by “NYTe@M”, and the first prize was 15,000,000 kyats and an additional award of 5,00,000,000 kyats. It was reported that the second prize was awarded with 10,000,000 kyats and the third prize 7,000,000 kyats.