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Cyber Security Awareness Video Competition – 2023 (University Level) will be held online

1. The Cyber Security Awareness Video Competition – 2023 (University Level) to be organized by the Ministry of Transport and   Communications will be held online, and those who wish to participate in the competition will submit their video files along with the competition applications in 2023. Contestant application and invitation details can be downloaded from the link below:

2. This competition is intiated in order to improve knowledge about cyber security; to encourage students to develop critical thinking about current digital technology; to demonstrate the quality and abilities of students; to raise the interest of young people about cyber security in order to develop capacity builing  that will be needed in the country; to have opportunities to compete with regional countries and  to promote collaboration with educational institutions . The video file that won the first prize in the competition, will be send to Brunei  with the purpose of  competing  in the ASEAN-JAPAN Cybersecurity Awareness Video Competition (2023).

3. The prizes to be awarded are as follows:

(a)  First prize – 15 lakh Kyats; Medal and Honorable Mention.

(b)  2nd Prize – 10 Lakh Kyats; Medal and Honorable Mention.

(c)  3rd prize –  7 lakh kyats, Medal and Honorable Mention.

(d)  Consolation prize – 300,000 Kyats; Medal and Honorable Mention.

(e)   Consolation prize – 300,000 Kyats; Medal and Honorable Mention.

4. The first prize winning video file in Cyber Security Awareness Video Contest – 2023 (University Level) will be sent to the ASEAN-Japan Cyber Security Awareness Video Contest – 2023 to represent the country.

5. Contestants must send and compete their video files to the organizing committee via email, either on CD/DVD or USB before 16:00 on August 11th (Friday). If you want to know more about the competition, please contact the phone number , 067-3422272.

Competition Organizing Committee